Keynote speaker 1:
Tianxi Cai, Harvard University
Tianxi Cai is a major player in developing analytical tools for mining EHR data and predictive modeling with biomedical data. She provides statistical leadership on several large-scale projects, including the NIH-funded Undiagnosed Diseases Network at DBMI. Cai's research lab develops novel statistical and machine learning methods for several areas including clinical trials, real world evidence, and personalized medicine using genomic and phenomic data. Cai received her ScD in Biostatistics at Harvard and was an assistant professor at the University of Washington before returning to Harvard as a faculty member in 2002.
Keynote speaker 2:
Will Cong, Cornell University
Will Cong is the Rudd Family Professor of Management, professor of finance, and founding director of the FinTech Initiative at Cornell University. He is also a finance editor at the Management Science, faculty scientist at the Initiative for Cryptocurrencies & Contracts (IC3), research associate at the NBER, founder of multiple international research forums, a former Kauffman Junior Fellow, Poets & Quants World Best Business School Professor, and 2022 Top 10 Quant Professor.
Cong's research spans financial economics, information economics, fintech, digital economy, and entrepreneurship. He and his coauthors have pioneered the introduction of goal-oriented search and interpretable AI for finance, laid the foundations of tokenomics (covering categorization of tokens, cryptocurrency pricing, central bank digital currencies/payment systems, and optimal token monetary policy design), analyzed centralization issues and dynamic incentives in blockchains and DeFi, and developed data analytics for detecting market manipulation and better fintech regulation among others.
Keynote speaker 3:
Keynote speaker 4:
James M. Robins, Harvard University
James M. Robins is an epidemiologist and biostatistician best known for advancing methods for drawing causal inferences from complex observational studies and randomized trials, particularly those in which the treatment varies with time. He is the 2013 recipient of the Nathan Mantel Award for lifetime achievement in statistics and epidemiology, and a recipient of the 2022 Rousseeuw Prize in Statistics, jointly with Miguel Hernán, Eric Tchetgen-Tchetgen, Andrea Rotnitzky and Thomas Richardson.
He graduated in medicine from Washington University in St. Louis in 1976. He is currently Mitchell L. and Robin LaFoley Dong Professor of Epidemiology at Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health. He has published over 100 papers in academic journals and is an ISI highly cited researcher.
Keynote speaker 5:
国际知名统计学家、美国国家工程院院士,香港中文大学(深圳)数据科学学院校长学勤讲座教授。曾任密歇根大学H. C. Carver统计学讲座教授、佐治亚理工学院工业及系统工程系教授、可口可乐统计学讲座教授、2011年获得费雪讲座奖(R.A. Fisher Lectureship)。1997年首创数据科学(Data Science)这一术语,并主张将统计学改名为数据科学,将统计学家称为数据科学家。
Keynote speaker 6:
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